Site Key

Site Keys are symbols (or acronyms) used here to identify the source of the information shown. These include acronyms for newspapers, other publications, government data sites and a star shape to indicate military service. Click on the symbols (chain links or circle with a key) to see the list of Site Keys.

Code Description Code Description Code Description
Military Service ODLC Oregon Donation Land Claim TDC The Dalles Chronicle
1900SCVR 1900 Sherman County Voters’ Register by Chris Sanders SC:FTR Sherman County: For the Record, Sherman County Historical Society TM The Times-Mountaineer, The Dalles
GVJ Grass Valley Journal 1898-1930 SCJ Sherman County Journal TO/SCO The Observer, Sherman County Observer
MB Moro Bulletin SCN Sherman County News TPR The People’s Republic 1898-1898
ML Moro Leader SSDI Social Security Death Index WN Wasco News
ODI Oregon Death Index TJ The Times-Journal WNE Wasco News-Enterprise