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Register of Trial and Grand Jurors 1889-1901
[spelling as found]

Trial Jury

A trial jury, also known as a petit jury, decides whether the defendant committed the crime as charged in a criminal case, or whether the defendant injured the plaintiff in a civil case.

  • Consists of 6-12 people.
  • Trials are generally public, but jury deliberations are private.
  • Defendants have the right to appear, testify, and call witnesses on their behalf.
  • Final outcome is a verdict, in favor of plaintiff or defendant in a civil case, or guilty/not guilty in a criminal case.

Grand Jury

A grand jury is presented with evidence from the U.S. attorney, the prosecutor in federal criminal cases. The grand jury determines whether there is “probable cause” to believe the individual has committed a crime and should be put on trial. If the grand jury determines there is enough evidence, an indictment will be issued against the defendant.

  • Consists of 16-23 people.
  • Grand jury proceedings are not open to the public.
  • Defendants and their attorneys do not have the right to appear before the grand jury.
October 1889 TermMarch 1890 TermOctober 1891 TermOctober 1892 TermMarch 1893 TermOctober 1893 TermMarch 1894 TermOctober 1894 TermMarch 1895 TermOctober 1895 TermMarch 1896 Term1897 through 1899October 1900 TermMarch 1901 TermOctober 1901 Term

October 1889 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • George H. Peterson
  • P. King
  • Henry Root (K)
  • Ezra Sexton (K)
  • John A. Smith
  • N.W. Thompson
  • J.J. Schaeffer
  • P.J. Barnett
  • George W. Coy
  • George W. Bates
  • C.C. Ragsdale
  • Victor McDonald
  • George W. James
  • Archie McDermid
  • Alex McIntosh
  • W.C. Fuller
  • W.J. Peddicord
  • R.W. Brock
  • Frank E. Robinson

Grand Jurors:

  • John Briscoe
  • J.M. Benson
  • William H. Koontz
  • A.F. Hawley
  • Harrison Neece
  • Ben Andrews
  • H. Lanphear (W)

March 1890 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • D. McCallum (F)
  • J.W. Coats
  • George W. Long (M)
  • B.F. Hailey
  • W.S. Barzee
  • M.L. Smith
  • Warren Myers
  • Dan McLachlan (McL)
  • J.H. McLean
  • Emmitt Olds
  • Charles Hill
  • N.P. Johnson
  • M.P. Smith
  • H. Murchie
  • W.V. Johnson
  • Uriah Serviss
  • Rufus Moore
  • George Benadom
  • Robert Morrison
  • J.J. Garlington
  • Josiah March [Marsh]
  • S.S. Hayes
  • J.J. McDonald
  • R.H. King
  • H.S. McDanel
  • W.H. Henrichs
  • W.R. Fowler

Grand Jurors:

  • J.M. Powell
  • J.B. Small
  • W.H. Peugh
  • W.H. Rose
  • W.H. Moore
  • Andrew Murchie
  • J.H. Reed

October 1891 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • Edward Mack
  • N. Draper
  • John Graham
  • G.W. Mark
  • J.R. Belshe
  • J.R. Howell
  • J.D. Nave
  • C.W. Phelps
  • M. Damon
  • J. McMillin
  • N.P. Hansen(W)
  • H.A. Ritchie
  • J.O. Thompson
  • A.D. McDonald
  • James Somers
  • O.W. Richardson
  • S.J. Andrews
  • R.A. Murray
  • R.J. Ginn (W)
  • H. Richelderfer

Trial Jurors:

  • William Froebe
  • Joseph Marsh
  • P.W. McDonald
  • Mason Hines
  • W.F. Guyton
  • J.H. Coyl
  • C.C. Kuney
  • J.B. Mowery
  • E.C. Davis
  • Charles Moore
  • W.E. McLeod
  • C. Penrose
  • John A. Elder
  • William Irvine
  • Edmund Mack
  • W.B. McCoy (M)
  • H.E. Powell
  • T.J. Farra
  • Frank Pike
  • B.S. Kelsey
  • A.R. Doan
  • Grant Hawley

Grand Jurors:

  • J.L. Holland
  • T.C. Neece
  • H.T. Murchie
  • M.A. Potter (M)
  • Alex Armstrong
  • C.J. Herrin
  • B.C. Cramer

March 1893 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • John Mathieson
  • C.C. Huck
  • P.W. McDonald
  • W.E. McLeod
  • Robert Jones
  • O.W. Richardson
  • Charles Akers
  • A.C. Huff
  • Angus Cameron
  • Dan McLachlan (McL)
  • C.F. Fulton
  • William Froebe
  • William Elliott
  • J.H. Johnson
  • W.C. Herin
  • Elwood Thompson
  • G.W. Dugger
  • C. Dunlap
  • H.C. McDanel
  • R.A. Murray
  • O.P. King
  • Peter Knudson
  • G.C. Vintin
  • E.W. Garlick
  • C.H. Schwartz
  • J.M. Dunahoo
  • John Potter
  • C.W. Diekman
  • L.V. Moore (W)
  • A.D. McDonald
  • Delbert Porter
  • G.W. Mark
  • Allan Gilmour
  • Charles Hill
  • J.B. Mowry
  • J.W. Booth
  • E.B. Penland

Grand Jurors:

  • G.P. Higinbothom
  • J.B. Morrison
  • James Weir
  • John Lynch
  • Adolph Happold
  • W.M. Reynolds
  • Fred Krusow

October 1893 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • F.M. Rayburn
  • Charles Buhman
  • G.W. Jennings?
  • L.W. Hunting
  • J.D. Nave
  • J.O. Thompson
  • O.J. Bales
  • James Fraser
  • J.M. Powell
  • B.F. Pike
  • J.A. Reid
  • David Fulton
  • Miles Rader
  • Henry Hennagin
  • William Tate
  • S.B. Holmes
  • George B. Bourhill
  • W.J. Peddicord
  • Ed Smith
  • A.B. Potter (M)
  • J.B. Small
  • Alf Dillinger
  • O.E. Leet
  • William Merrill
  • D.W. Huff
  • O.P. King
  • W.H. Rose
  • M.A. Potter (M)
  • J.B. Mowry
  • M.D. Adams
  • J.R. Martin
  • John Donohue
  • John Landry

Grand Jurors:

  • Henry Root (K)
  • W.E. White
  • Frank Sayrs
  • E. Peoples
  • L.K. Moore
  • J.B. McGrath
  • Louis Schadewitz

March 1894 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • William Bozarth
  • B.N. Anson
  • James McMillan
  • J.L. Brock
  • Sherman Huff
  • A.M. Wright
  • F.E. Robinson
  • James Woods (W)
  • Ira McDonald
  • E.M. Froebe
  • William Thompson
  • John Medler
  • William McNeil
  • J.R. Johnson
  • E.A. Cushman (W)
  • W.E. McLeod
  • G.F. Boyd
  • Emmit Olds
  • I.N. Lemon
  • O.C. Eakin
  • M.L. Smith
  • E.M. Hines
  • Allen Gilmour
  • M.A. Van Gilder
  • M. Beagan
  • John Henrichs
  • J.A. Thompson
  • J.E. Forbis
  • J.W. Messinger
  • J.R. Belshee
  • G.D. Woodworth
  • E. Simmons
  • J.F. Belshee
  • C.H. Belchee
  • L.I. Dam
  • John Walters
  • George E. Thompson
  • John Simpson
  • R.M. Starns
  • H. Laughter
  • Charles Akers
  • T.B. Searcy
  • Henry Myers
  • Samuel Carson
  • Talmon Newcomb

Grand Jurors:

  • William Macnab
  • E.C. Davis
  • Henry Dice
  • J.C. Uren
  • W.M. King
  • E. Siscel
  • J.B. Wheat (M)

October 1894 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • F.H. Smith
  • Frank Fulton
  • G.W. Long (M)
  • T. Vanlandingham
  • Louis Hirlbert
  • Dixon McDonald
  • H. Schadewitz
  • James Woods (W)
  • William Peugh
  • F.L. Barnett
  • John Mathison
  • F.W. Van Patten
  • C.C. Masiker
  • John Sienknecht
  • Henry Link
  • Hiram Powell
  • C.W. Moore
  • Perry Watkins
  • J.D. Gibson
  • John Christianson
  • J.R. Venable
  • R.M. Starns
  • Frank Payne
  • William Kaseberg (K)
  • Henry Kaseberg (K)
  • R. Booten
  • J.B. Holman
  • James Weir
  • Elwood Thompson

Grand Jurors:

  • J.A. Dickerson
  • E.H. Moore
  • C.W. Diekman
  • H. Dierks
  • C.K. Huff
  • Harvey Smith
  • E.D. West

March 1895 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • John P. Neece (M)
  • A. Holder (F)
  • Grant Hawley
  • O.J. Bales
  • M.G. Johnson
  • H. Gosch (K)
  • W.A. Murchie
  • John Hays
  • A. Grosser
  • W.S. Barzee
  • B.T. Hailey
  • H. Goetjen
  • F.M. French
  • Dan McLachlan (McL)
  • C.A. Heath
  • O.B. Messinger
  • George N. Crosfield
  • J.D. McDermid
  • Henry Krause
  • Robert Jones
  • D.W. Huff
  • R.C. Kenny
  • C.M. Andrews

Grand Jurors:

  • J.B. McGrath
  • H.A. Moore
  • B. Cramer
  • Peter Knudson
  • Ed Merrill
  • Hans Hansen
  • George C. Fridley

October 1895 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • John Kaseberg (W)
  • J.H. Fraser
  • William Macnab
  • Charles Hulse
  • A. Happold
  • W.A. Hunter
  • John Medler
  • J.M. Hansen
  • B.M. Brown
  • Casper Grassli
  • Thomas Callaghan
  • L.H. Martin
  • Ed Mack
  • A.K. Fuller
  • J.B. Mowry
  • D.H. Curl
  • E.A. Cushman (W)
  • Charles Hill
  • Simon Elcock
  • H.A. Page

Grand Jurors:

  • B.F. Johnson
  • J.M. Dunahoo
  • M. Damon
  • W.C. Fuller
  • Fred Jones
  • A.B. Craft
  • J.W. Booth

March 1896 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • L.R. French
  • A. Dillinger
  • Charles D. Hayner
  • George E. Thompson
  • C.F. French
  • I.H. Maxwell
  • J.A. Thompson
  • J.A. Walter
  • J.J. Thompson
  • T.J. Farra
  • George W. Ramey
  • W.H. Moore
  • Lysander Madden
  • Thomas Vanlandingham
  • Charles Belchee
  • O.P. Hulse
  • J.W. Messinger
  • M.L. Smith
  • Harry King
  • William Elliott
  • B.F. Medler
  • D.W. Huff
  • P.M. Ruggles
  • J.M. Parry
  • James Woods (W)
  • O.P. King
  • Frank Payne
  • T.M. Anderson
  • L.W. Hunting
  • R. Booten
  • J.H. Elliott
  • Hugh McIntyre
  • J.O. Powell
  • G.F. Boyd
  • All Sterling [sic]
  • J.M. Florer
  • F.E. Seeley
  • O.C. Eakin
  • George N. Bolton
  • Ezra Sexton
  • E.C. Davis
  • John Sienknecht
  • Carl Peetz
  • E. Peoples
  • H.A. Thompson

Grand Jurors:

  • A.M. Wright
  • P.F. Peddicord
  • J.D. Gibson
  • E.H. Moore
  • William Rose
  • George Lamborn
No data available for 1897 through 1899.








October 1900 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • E.J. Rasmussen
  • B. Cramer
  • R. Rasmussen
  • Angus Cameron
  • Frank Payne
  • J.C. Coy
  • R.C. Wallis
  • T.B. Searcy
  • Taylor Bergin
  • W.A. Wallis
  • Horace Strong
  • C.N. Gilman
  • Charles H. Tom
  • Joseph Sanders (M)
  • Henry Goetjen (K)
  • T.D. Williams
  • C.D. Huck
  • D.S. Young
  • W.E. Allison
  • Martin Holman
  • C.A. Heath
  • M.A. Potter (M)
  • J.G. Walker
  • John McDermid
  • P.M. Ruggles
  • William Currie
  • Dan McLachlan (McL)
  • Elwood Thompson
  • H.K. Porter
  • Henry Peters
  • Charles Hulse

Grand Jurors:

  • No grand jurors listed.

March 1901 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • Charles Schadewitz
  • Angus Kuks (F)
  • Joe Ornduff
  • F.M. Rayburn
  • John C. Kaseberg (K)
  • E.L. Weld
  • R.A. Murray
  • John Lynch
  • J.B. Wheat (M)
  • James Mitchel [sic]
  • George Strachn
  • H.C. Ruggles
  • John Bressler
  • J.W. Smith
  • J.H. Johnson
  • George Lamborn
  • George Strong
  • Perry Strong
  • Ezra Sexton
  • A.C. Thompson
  • Niel [sic] McDonald
  • L.L. Minton
  • A.M. Wright
  • Ed. Mack
  • W.A. Murchie
  • Herman Pape
  • J.W. Leonard
  • Henry Root (K)
  • W.L. Lamborn
  • Henry Link
  • C.H. Stranahan
  • W.V. Johnson
  • J.P. McMillin
  • A. Nish
  • John Reckman

Grand Jurors:

  • No grand jurors listed.

October 1901 Term
Trial Jurors:

  • E.G. Messinger
  • John Simpson
  • J.F. Lucas
  • Johannes Johnson
  • Adam Keast
  • Samuel McDonald
  • W.L. Smith
  • F.W. Matthias
  • W.H. Morehouse
  • George E. Thompson
  • J.L. Van Winkle
  • O.P. King
  • J.W. Messinger
  • Henry Medler
  • A.S. Porter
  • Ray Weld
  • Archie McDermid
  • E.H. Moore
  • G.W. Schwartz
  • P.W. McDonald
  • Henry Krause
  • L.H. Martin
  • J.R. Kaseberg (K)
  • Frank Iams
  • James Stewart
  • Robert Jones
  • F.S. Lamborn
  • W. Stone
  • Frank Morrow (M)
  • James Woods (W)
  • John Medler

I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution. ~ Thomas Jefferson