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Moro Leader Obituaries

Moro, Sherman County, Oregon

 The following are the death notices and obituaries contained within the pages of the Moro Leader, on the microfilm roll containing the issues from March 2, 1898 to February 21, 1900.  Missing issues include: September 28, 1898 and October 5, 1898.

March 2, 1898

March 9, 1898

March 16, 1898

March 23, 1898

  • Died — at the family residence, near Moro, on Thursday morning, March 17th, Mrs. Mary B. McGrath, aged 43 years. She had been sick about three weeks, and suffered great agony toward the last.  T here are left to mourn her loss a husband and two sons.  The sympathies of a large circle of friends are extended to the bereaved ones.  The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church by Rev. Nickelsen, and a large number gathered to pay their last respects to the deceased.
  • Word was received here last week by Moore Bros. that A. Smith, known by some as “Coyote” Smith, died at Juneau, Alaska, on March 6th.

March 30, 1898

April 6, 1898

April 13, 1898

April 20, 1898

  • Found Dead. Mark Hayden, about 60 years of age, a brother to Ben Hayden, of Salem, started to go to the Seeley ranch Tuesday, the 12th, from Wasco.  He got within about a mile of his destination, when he dropped dead, apparently without much pain or struggle.  Saturday, friends not hearing from him, a search party, consisting of Mr. Lucus, B.F. Pike and Bud Clayton, left Wasco about 3 o’clock and found the remains, as stated above.  Clayton came at once to Moro, and an undertaker went to the sad scene, and Coroner Brown was telephoned for, arriving about 2 o’clock Sunday morning.  Upon investigation he decided it was not necessary to summon a coroner’s jury, death being evidently due to natural causes.  The remains were buried at Moro Sunday, it being impossible to delay the interment longer.  A son lives in Grant county, and a married daughter also in Eastern Oregon.  [D. M.]
  • Correspondence From Rufus. Mrs. R.E. Wallis was called to Goldendale on the sudden death of her brother’s little boy, aged 8 or 9 years.
  • From Rufus.  Quite an excitement at the Springs occasioned by the finding of the body of Mark Hayden on Saturday.  Poor, old man!  His troubles are over.  It is hard to think of a man dying alone, out on the commons.

April 27, 1898

  • Died — Near Kent, Elmer Detjen, about 4 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Detjen, early Sunday morning, April 25th.
  • Died — At Kent, John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schadewitz, at 6:30 o’clock, Monday morning, April 26th. [John William]
  • Mrs. F. Thompson was greatly shocked over the news of the death of her brother, E. Wilkeson, caused by a log rolling over him and crushing him to death at the sawmill below the Cascades.  He leaves a wife and three small children.
  • Hayden, a son of Mark Hayden, who was found near here, was in town Sunday. He expressed himself as being grateful for the kindness and care bestowed upon the remains by the people here.

May 4, 1898

  • Died – Lloyd, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Foster, on Saturday, April 30th, aged 2 months. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church Sunday.
  • Died – At Grant, an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoggard, Monday night. We did not learn particulars.

May 11, 1898

May 18, 1898

May 25, 1898

June 1, 1898

June 8, 1898

  • Drowned in John Day River. James Phillips, a man about 35 years old, started to ford the John Day, near Gibson’s, on May 30, with a two-horse team.  When part way across, the team got into deep water, and in some manner Mr. Phillips was drawn under and drowned.  The body has not yet been recovered.  One horse was lost, but the other, and the wagon, that was loaded with freight, was saved.  L. Wilson was at the scene of the accident, but could not do anything to avert the calamity.  The deceased was formerly from the Valley.   At one time he worked on the Frank Hawley ranch.  It is said that a sister and one or more brothers live in Gilliam county.
  • Died — Susan E. Miller, at her home, near Moro, Sherman county, Oregon, May 31, 1898, 11:30 P.M., aged 67 years, 10 months and 19 days.  She leaves to mourn her departure 6 children, 3 sons and 3 daughters, all of who are married, 19 grandchildren, and a number of loving friends.  She was a member of the Moro Friendship Baptist Church, and died as she had lived, a firm believer in the power of Jesus to save.Dearest mother, thou hast left us,
    And they loss we deeply feel,
    But ’tis God that had bereft us:
    He can all our sorrows heal.

I.S. and A.B.

June 15, 1898

  • A Mrs. Ida M. Cooper, who is crippled from paralysis, is now a charge upon the county with her little four-year-old son. James Phillips, who was drowned in the John Day river May 30, was her brother, and supported her.

June 22, 1898

  • Dunn of Grass Valley died Saturday morning after a lingering sickness. The burial took place Sunday afternoon. [Mary M.]

June 29, 1898

July 6, 1898

July 13, 1898

July 20, 1898

July 27, 1898

August 3, 1898

August 10, 1898

  • John Archey Ginn was born in Goodhue county, Minn., May 23, 1868; moved to Oregon with his parents in the fall of 1870; moved to Sherman county, in 1884; died at St. Mary’s Hospital Aug. 5, ’98, at 11:30 p.m., aged 30 years, 2 months and 14 days; buried at Weston, Oregon, Aug. 7, 1898. Leaves a father, mother, 3 brothers and 5 sisters.  One sister died at Weston, Oregon, in December, ’72.  The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Homer Galagher, pastor of the U.B. Church, at Weston.  A large number of friends and relatives followed the remains to the grave.
  • About noon Saturday a dispatch came announcing the death at Walla Walla of John A. Ginn. J. Ginn left immediately for Wasco on his way to attend the funeral.  Only a few days before John had left here to go home to his parents at Weston.  From there he went to the hospital at Walla Walla, only to die.  His sudden death is a source of sorrow and surprise to his many friends here.
  • Died – In Moro, Aug. 4, 1898, William Blueford Hays, aged 11 months and 19 days, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hays, of Grass Valley. After a short illness the little one was called home to its rest, and the hands that caressed shall care for it no more in this life. “Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven,” consoles the bereaved parents.  The funeral services were held at the Baptist Church in Moro, Aug. 5, by Rev. M.F.S. Henton, and the remains were laid away in the Baptist Cemetery.  A goodly number of sympathizing friends followed the departed to its last earthly resting place.  [Place of burial – Moro Cemetery of which the upper southwest section was the Baptist Cemetery]
  • At Rest. Grandma Moore passed away on the evening of Aug. 2d, and was laid to rest in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery Aug 3d, by the side of her late husband and companion.  Sarah J. Brown Moore was born May 15, 1828, in Huron county, Ohio, where she spent her childhood, then moved to Illinois, where she married Rufus Moore in 1849.  They went to California in 1867, and lived in that state until 1881, when they came to Oregon.  Six sons and one daughter were born to them, four of whom are living — Walter H., Henry A., Charles W. and Laurence K., all of whom reside in Sherman county.  Grandma Moore, as she was generally known, made her home with Henry and Walter, and until a few years ago had enjoyed good health, notwithstanding her three score years and ten, and her pioneer life in the West.  She was baptized into the Christian Church in her early girlhood, and united with the Presbyterian church in Moro about ten years ago, and has since been a member of that Church.  Her husband, Rufus Moore, was laid to rest some five years ago in the Odd Fellows cemetery in Moro.  Her illness was of the nature of dropsy, and although she suffered a great deal, she was very patient to the end.  Her life throughout was very exemplary.  She had not only lived out the allotted time, but had raised a large family to manhood; all of who show her early training.  She crossed the plains, and endured all the hardships of a pioneer life faithfully by the side of her husband, and kept in touch with the world, with all her faculties bright to the last, and when the last call came she was ready to answer, “Thy will be done.”  J.M. Morrison preached her funeral sermon at the Presbyterian Church, where a large congregation of friends had assembled to pay their last respects.  She has gone to her reward, but her good deeds here will live ever as a reminder of what a good woman can accomplish.  The heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends extends to the bereaved relatives.

August 17, 1898

  • Died — At Grass Valley, Or., Tuesday, Aug. 16, Claude Marquis, son of J.H. and Mrs. Marquis, aged about 18 years. He had been sick only a short time, and death was unexpected.  The news came shortly before going to press, and we have not learned particulars more than above stated.  Wm Holder, his aunt, left immediately for Grass Valley.

August 24, 1898

August 31, 1898

  • Sad Bereavement. A family recently from the Willamette valley, living at Monkland, are passing through a very sad and trying experience.  Typhoid fever has taken from the family one son and one daughter during the last week, within a day of each other.  The son, D. Rogers, age 26, died at 1 o’clock a.m. Aug. 25, and was buried the evening of the same day.  About 3 o’clock a.m. on the 26th the daughter, age 13 years, 10 months and 2 days, followed her brother, the funeral taking place in the afternoon.  The funeral services for both were held at Monkland, Rev. Morrison preaching the sermons, and the interment was in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery at Moro under the care of Moro Camp No. 351, W. of W., of which order the young man was a member.  The father was sick at last accounts, but not seriously.  The bereaved family have the sympathy of all in this their hour of double loss.  [L. D. and Irene  – Place of Burial – Moro Cemetery]  [May 4, 1898 issue  — Correspondence from Hay Canyon.  A man by the name of Rodgers, who has been living at Balston, Polk county, moved here with his family.  Mr. Rodgers already has several good friends among the boys.]
  • “Old Man Paquet,” as he was familiarly called, at Wapinitia, where he was long and favorably known, has passed away. He was the father of Oliver Paquet, who at one time was assessor of Wasco county.  His death occurred in East Portland, at the home of his son, Louis.  He was 87 years of age.

September 7, 1898

September 14, 1898

  • Just as we go to press we learn of the death of Rogers at Monkland, but no particulars are at hand. He was the father of L.D. and Irene Rogers, who died only a short time ago.  This makes three from one family in less than three weeks.  The remainder of the family have the sympathy of all. [John H.]
  • Died — Near Grass Valley, Sept. 11, Stacey Clyde, 15 months old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Newcomb. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church at Grass Valley at 10:30 a.m. the 13th.  Interment in the Odd Fellows cemetery.  The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.

September 21, 1898

  • John H. Rogers, whose death, on Sept. 13, was recorded in last week’s Leader, was 59 years, 1 month old. The funeral services were held at Monkland, and the interment was in the Odd Fellows’ cemetery at Moro on the 14th.  The father’s body was placed by the side of the son and daughter, who died the latter part of August.  There remain the widowed mother and seven children to mourn his loss, one of whom, a son, was at last accounts in Polk county sick with fever.


September 28, 1898 issue missing

October 5, 1898 issue missing

October 12, 1898 – issue torn and parts missing.

October 19, 1898

  • Died – At DeMoss Springs, Monday, Oct. 17, 1898, George Davis, aged about 85 years. The funeral services were held at Moro Tuesday, at 2 o’clock p.m., by Rev. Morrison.

October 26, 1898

  • Died — Near Monkland, Sunday, Oct. 23, 1898, the infant child of J.B. Rogers, age about three weeks. Funeral took place Monday.
  • From DeMoss Springs.  Uncle George Davis died the 17th.  The poor old man passed away very quietly.

November 2, 1898 

  • Mary Davis wishes us to thank the people of DeMoss Springs and Moro for their untiring kindness and assistance during the last illness and death of her husband George Davis.

November 9, 1898

  • Word was received here Sunday that Phil Brogan, a prominent sheep man, near Antelope, was stabbed and killed by a man named Forrester, at Antelope, Saturday evening. No further particulars could be obtained.

November 16, 1898

November 23, 1898

  • H. Dupuy died at Layfayette last week. He was at one time local editor of the Grass Valley Journal.  He was a member of the A.O.U.W.

 November 30, 1898

December 7, 1898

  • The remains of a brother of J.J. Shaeffer were taken to Prineville for interment, passing through Moro yesterday, from Arlington, where he had been living.

December 14, 1898

  • Murder In The First Degree. At 10 o’clock Sunday morning the jury in the Magers case brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree, for the murder of Ray Sink.  Probably a motion for a new trial will be made by the defense, and maybe the case will go to the supreme court.
  • The grand jury at Dallas returned a bill against W.H. Magers, charging him with murder in the first degree for the killing of Ray Sink. The trial began last Friday.

 December 21, 1898

December 28, 1898

  • Full notice of the death and funeral of O. Fuller was received too late for publication this week.
  • Died — Near Rufus, Saturday, Dec. 24, O. Fuller, of pneumonia. The funeral took place Sunday from the residence of A.K. Fuller, at 12 o’clock.  A large number of friends were present to pay their last respects to the deceased.
  • Fatal Accident. One day last week, Isaac Allison, aged about 60 years, a half-brother to W.E. Allison, of DeMoss Springs, was instantly killed at his home, at Oregon City, by stumbling and falling upon a wood saw.  He started to leave his woodshed to pay the men who were running the steam saw, when he fell and the saw passed through his body at the breast.

January 4, 1899

  • Death of Emory Oswell Fuller. Emory Oswell Fuller died  at the home of his brother, Wesley, at Bigelow, of pneumonia, Saturday morning, Dec. 24.  Deceased was born in Keokuk county, Iowa, March 25, 1859; came to California in 1864, and thence to this county in 1883; with his two brothers they settled in the Bigelow neighborhood; all were prosperous, and are highly respected by their neighbors.  There was not room for the friends and neighbors to be comfortable in the Bigelow school house on Christmas day, when the funeral was preached by his pastor, Rev. Johns.A strong man has been cut down in the midst of his usefulness.  “His sun has set while it was yet noon.”  He was married to Miss Lizzie Reid, who, with two brothers and an aged mother, remain to mourn his loss.

January 11, 1899

  • The little 4-year-old daughter of W. H. Peugh of Wasco died on Saturday night from pneumonia after a five weeks’ illness. [Esther Pearl]
  • S. Smith of Oregon City, brother of Jeptha Smith, who died in the Klondike about a year ago, is up here settling up the estate.
  • On Saturday night Jno. Landry was called to Adams by telephone to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law.

January 18, 1899

  • Death of Little Arthur Henrichs. 14, 1899.  This week we are called upon to chronicle a very sad event in the sudden death of this little friend.  The Saviour, in looking over his loved ones gone home, saw a vacant spot wherein he found “That he hath need” of a bright boy of ten years.  Oh! how we miss him, and how hard it is to bow to His Divine will, but “The Lord gave and he hath taken away.”  He hath called a loved one home to “rest” beyond the sorrowing and weeping, where there is no death.  Although he was but 10 years old, he was far advanced in school, a great reader of good books, and possessed a general knowledge of current events sufficient to make him companionable to a grown person, and possessed a loving, amiable disposition that endeared him to schoolmates and friends.  In his little pockets we found a treasure to his sorrowing parents, in a little diary kept during his recent illness, showing how patient and uncomplainingly he suffered.  We also found a time schedule of the movements of the C.S. Ry. Co., and part of a weather report he was keeping, thus showing what a clear and active mind he had.  He also took great pride and pleasure in assisting his papa in the clerk’s office, as he was able to read any written document there.  His funeral sermon was conducted by Rev. C.D. Nickelsen, at the Presbyterian Church, and his pathetic words reached the hearts of all, together with the sweet singing of the choir, the school children with crepe on their arms paying their last tribute of love to their departed companion.  That band of Brotherhood, the IOOF of Moro, and the K. of P. from Wasco, assembled near their Brother and his family in his hour of trouble, made this one of the saddest funerals we have witnessed.  His remains were laid to rest in the IOOF cemetery at Moro, and thus “A flower is cut down in the bloom, a new spirit is born in the Kingdom of Heaven.”  Blessed is he that can say, I have a passport home.
  • Card of Thanks. Mr and Mrs Henrichs wish, through the medium of these columns, to express their sincere thanks to the good people of Moro for the sympathy shown them in their hour of trial, occasioned by the loss of their beloved son Arthur.  They will not soon forget the kindness and attention received from their many friends and neighbors in their sad bereavement.

January 25, 1899

February 1, 1899

February 8, 1899

February 15, 1899

  • We have to chronicle in this issue the sad death on Sunday last of Dora, aged 15 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Titus, of Rufus. This office extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives.

February 22, 1899

  • Morgan Walker of Biggs attended the funeral of his uncle, Arthur Walker, in The Dalles last week.
  • On Monday, Feb. 20th, at his residence, northwest of here, after a brief illness, C. Guinther, aged 70.  The funeral will take place in Moro today. [Wednesday]

March 1, 1899

  • A respected resident of this county, in the person of Guinther, was laid to rest in the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery in Moro on Wednesday, Feb. 22d, amidst a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. Rev. Gray, Lutheran minister, of The Dalles, preached an impressive funeral sermon at the Presbyterian Church, after which the remains were taken charge of by the A.O.U.W., of which order the deceased was an honored member for over 20 years.  At the grave the order performed their beautiful funeral service.  Mr. Guinther was revered by all who knew him as a good neighbor and sincere christian, while he was dearly beloved by the members of his family, with whom we sympathize in this their hour of sorrow.Following shortly after the demise of the old gentleman, death claimed for his own the sorrowing wife, Mrs. Katherine Guinther, who passed away peacefully to rest on Friday last, just four days after her husband’s decease.  This old and respected couple have seen many years and during their sojourn here below have endeared all who know them by their simple, unassuming christian ways.  Truly it may be said of them in the words of Tennyson:

‘Tis only noble to be good,
Kind hearts are more than coronets,
And simple faith then Norman blood.”

[Christian & Carolian]

March 8, 1899

  • On Sunday evening last, Clifford Minton, a young man aged 22 years, met with an accident which caused his death. It seems Minton was riding a colt, in company with his uncle, Mr. Moffit, when the horse rushed through a gap in the fence, rolled over, throwing his rider heavily.  The unfortunate young man suffered concussion of the brain, which ended in death 26 hours after the melancholy occurrence.  [Son of J.H. & M.P; Place of burial – Moro Cemetery]

March 15, 1899

  • The funeral of Clifford Minten [Minton] took place from Moro last Thursday. The remains were interred in Odd Fellows’ Cemetery.  Services were held at the grave.
  • F. Guinther, son of C. and Katherine Guinther, who but recently passed away, called at this office Saturday last.
  • The Fossil Journal of March 3d contains a long account of the sad fate of Jay Costin, mail carrier between Grangeville and Florence, Idaho. While in performance of his duty, and within four miles of his journey’s end, he became exhausted and was frozen to death.  Chas. McKenzie, of Fossil, is a sister of young Costin.  Mrs. McKenzie, her parents and three brothers, survive deceased.  The loss of this promising young man creates a great void in the family circle.  The Leader extends heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones.
  • Frank Smith of Bigelow, a prominent member of the G.A.R., was stricken with paralysis March 8th, and died in a few hours. He was a highly respected citizen.

March 22, 1899

  • Died — On March 13th, at Rutledge, the three-year-old son of Julius Gensner, of croup.

March 29, 1899

  • Bathsheba  A. Eastabrooks-Hummel died at Sandwich, Ill., Feb 24, 1899, aged 87 years, 6 months and 1 day; born in Woodstock, Conn.,  Aug. 23, 1811.  Her father, John Eastabrooks, was a pioneer of Illinois, settling at Squaw Grove (now Hickley) in 1835.  His family consisted of his wife and nine children, only one of whom is now living, James L. Eastabrooks.  Bradbury and Augusta Eastabrooks died at Tillamook, Oregon, having emigrated to the West in 1853.
  • Deceased expressed the following to her son last Thanksgiving: “I believe in a higher power that rules over the destiny of nations as well as men; that we must receive our reward for what we do in this world. I love nature; it has always been an open book to me, and as I look from nature up to nature’s God, I give thanks at this Thanksgiving time that I have had the power to live above all the sorrows that have come upon me.”  This estimable woman fought the battles of life over 41 years alone.  She lived in the neighborhood where she died over 61 years.  She was a much-beloved aunt of F. Eastabrooks, foreman of the Moro Leader.  [Note: the following poem written by the deceased appears in the April 5, 1899 issue of the Moro Leader]

Memory and Childhood.
[By Bathsheba Eastabrooks-Hummel.]Fond memory clings to childhood’s days,
And lingers o’er the past;
Oh would that all those haelyon dreams
Were not too bright to last.

I would recall those sunny hours,
So fraught with life and glee,
But those bright scenes and lovely flowers
They cannot return to me.

Fond memory oft reverts to some
Whose happiness I shared,
And yet I cannot think them gone,
Tho’ I may yet be spared.

I see them in my dreams by night,
And hear their gentle voice —
They quickly vanish from my sight;
Oh why should I rejoice?

The booklet and the sunny vale,
So dear to me in youth,
Are cherished by my memory,
With beauty, love and truth.

The mountain and the sunny vale,
The hillside and the plain,
Are cherished yet in fondest dreams;
Would I were there again.

[The above lines, written by the lately deceased authoress, were read at her 87th birthday party.]

April 5, 1899

  • Sudden Death. The press dispatches announce the sudden death of J. Boyakin at Boise City, Idaho, March 29th.  Deceased was a well-known printer, and a very bright man.  Old pioneers in Portland will revert to the time when he worked on “The Oregon Weekly Times” in the 50s, and later on in the 60s on “The Oregonian,” when H.L.. Pittock was sole owner and proprietor.  “Jud,” as he was familiarly called, was a good compositor and a rapid one, and few there were, if any, who could “snow” him, using a printer’s phrase.  In 1866 “Jud” established the “Boise City Democrat,” which he owned and published for many years.  Many old Oregonians will regret to learn of the sudden demise of A.J. Boyakin.
  • Fatal Shooting Affray. Frank Spicer killed Bill Jones at Antelope on Monday.  We give the particulars as reported.  It appears Spicer was hauling a load of furniture for Jones, who forbid him to take it to the house.  Spicer persisted, and started to deliver the furniture, whereupon Jones, armed with a shot-gun, and Spicer with a rifle, got one on each side of the wagon.  After some dodging, Spicer got the first shot, killing Jones instantly.

April 12, 1899

  • The sad news reached this city on Saturday of the death of Richard Ginn, father of our respected townsman, R.J. Ginn.  Deceased passed away on April 8th at 8 o’clock, and was laid to rest on the 10th. inst.  The Leader wishes to express the deepest sympathy for the bereaved family.
  • A dreadful occurrence took place on the C.S. Ry. track some miles from town on Sunday night, when the train from Biggs ran over a man named Kaylor, cutting him into pieces. It seems the unfortunate man was walking on the track towards Moro, and had got on to one of the bridges when he heard the train.  In his efforts to keep ahead of the engine, he fell between the ties, and was mangled in a horrible manner.  A coroner’s jury brought in a verdict of accidental death, exonerating all parties from blame.  [ Kaylor]
  • Kaylor, the man who was run over by the train on Sunday night, was buried here on Monday, E. Peoples having charge of the remains, and Rev. C.D. Nickelsen officiating.
  • Verdict of Coroner’s Jury. We, the coroner’s jury, emplaneled to inquire into the circumstances attending the killing of a man on the night of April 9, 1899, by the Columbia Southern Railway train, in Sherman County, Oregon, find: That his name is Kaylor, residence unknown; that he came to his death by being run over by a train on said R.R., and after careful investigation we attach no blame to the men in charge of said train.   I.M. Smith, foreman.   C.W. Stokes.   C.L. Morton.   J.W. Kunsman.  W.A. Raymond.  J.B. McGrath.
  • An Indian was murdered near Celilo on Sunday in a horrible manner, his throat being cut from ear to ear. It is supposed an Indian cripple who lives in the vicinity committed the crime.
  • The news of the death of Alexander Fargher in Dyea, Alaska, is a sad blow to his brothers in The Dalles, and to his many friends in Oregon. We extend sympathy to his sorrowing relatives.

April 19, 1899

  • man whose name we did not learn, was drowned Monday in the John Day River near the mouth of Ferry Canyon. The man, who was in the employ of Chas. McAllister, went to dip a bucket of water, and losing his balance, pitched head foremost in the swift running stream.  At last accounts the body was stilling missing.  — Arlington Record.

April 26, 1899

  • We read with sorrow in the Condon Globe of the death of Miss Maggie A. Keys, youngest daughter of William Keys, of Mayville, in her 25th year.  A flower has been cut down in its bloom.  Death, that unbidden guest, has removed from her friends a young woman in the zenith of her usefulness.  We sincerely sympathize with the bereaved relatives, and commend them to one who will not harden their lot with unnecessary affliction.
  • The remains of George Hardin, who died at Hood River of pneumonia, were laid to rest in Moro cemetery on Wednesday last.
  • Frank Spicer, the man who shot D. Jones in Antelope some time ago, has been arrested and taken to The Dalles.

May 3, 1899

May 10, 1899

May 17, 1899

  • At Blenerville, Tralee, Ireland, in the 74th year of his age, John Palmer, eldest son of the late Robert John Palmer, of Banemore House, County Kerry, and father of Mrs. M. FitzMaurice of this city.
  • Robert Shepley committed suicide on Monday of last week at his home, fifteen miles from Antelope. His wife and little son Walter found the father’s body hanging from the bed-post with life extinct.  We sympathize with the bereaved family, who are sadly afflicted, the eldest boy dying quite suddenly at Mitchell about a year ago.
  • Death of C.R. Thoburn. The news of the sudden death of the Rev. C.R. Thoburn on Wednesday last, cast a gloom over the community in this city.  It was only a couple of weeks ago that he attended here to preach in the M.E. Church at the dedication services, charming all whom he came in contact with by his cheery friendliness and unstudied good-fellowship.  The church has lost a faithful soldier and a indefatigable worker, one who gave his whole life for the benefit of his fellow-men, urging them in his earnest and simple manner to become followers of Christ.
  • Thoburn suffered a congestive chill the night before he died, which turned to cerebral congestion, the immediate cause of death. The funeral, which was one of the largest ever witnessed in Portland, took place on Friday, when the remains were laid in their last resting place in the Lone Fir Cemetery, amidst a large concourse of sorrowing friends.

May 24, 1899

  • A movement is on foot to raise a substantial sum of money for the widow and little children of the late C.R. Thoburn in recognition of his great worth as minister of the gospel and his unselfish sacrifices for others. 
  • The second trial of Magers, at Dalles, Polk county, for the murder of Ray Sink last fall, came to an end on May 27th. The jury brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree.  An appeal may be taken to the supreme court on the ground that one of the jurors was not qualified to act in the case.

May 31, 1899

  • The Wasco grand jury returned not a true bill against Frank Spicer for the killing of Bill Jones some weeks ago at Antelope. The evidence went to show that Spicer shot Jones in self-defense.
  • Little “Bud.”
    [We publish the following poem, written by Miss Jennie Kay of this town, on the death of her little brother.]He came to this earth from heaven;
    He came in our home to dwell,
    To win our hearts to the Savior,
    To rescue our souls from hell.

Our dear little blue-eyed treasure,
With his pure unconscious grace,
And dimples chasing each other
All over his handsmome face.

His eyes were full of laughter,
And his soul was white as snow —
Of the joy that he brought to our home,
No one but God can know.

Be we worshipped our little treasure,
And of him an idol made,
Till God in his love took him from us,
And laid our dear child in the grave.

From our darling we now are parted —
He has gone to his Maker above,
But we hope on that bright shore to meet him,
And to worship our Savior in love.

June 7, 1899

  • A terrible accident occurred in The Dalles on Thursday morning, when John C. Bradley, a switchman on the O.R. & N., met an awful death under the cars at the railway yards. No one knows just how the accident happened.  Evidently the unfortunate man slipped and fell while coupling a car that was to be side-tracked.  When discovered, half his head  was found to be cut off and his brains scattered round the track, besides having his legs and arm shattered.  The coroner’s jury returned a verdict of accidental death while in discharge of his duty as switchman, with no one to blame therefore.
  • New Trial Asked For Magers. H. Holmes, attorney for William G. Magers, who was convicted at Dallas for murdering Ray Sink, served upon District Attorney Hayden a motion for a new trial.  The motion is supported by affidavits, and alleges errors on the part of the court.  It is claimed that the court erred in permitting Chief McLauchl and, of the Portland police, to testify concerning admissions made to him by Magers when his recollection of the conversation with Magers was supported by reading the transcript of notes taken by a stenographer.  Another allegation of error is that the court should have instructed the jury that the fact that Magers did not testify in his own behalf was not to be taken as circumstance against him.An important allegation is misconduct on the part of James Mitchell, who was one of the jurors in the trial of the case.  It is alleged that in a conversation with J.D. Ken_, Mitchell denied that doubts were to be resolved in favor of the defendant, and said that instead “every man acts his own judgment.”  It is also alleged that before the trial Mitchell’s wife dreamed that he participated in the hanging of Magers, that she told her husband of the dream, and asked him whether he would do such a thing.  He replied that he did not want to be a juror, but that id he did act, that was what he would do.   This statement by Mitchell is alleged to have been made after he was summond as a juror.

Attorney Holmes also asks a new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence.

LATER — Judge Burnett overruled the motion for a new trial for W. G. Magers, convicted of the murder of Ray Sink, and sentenced Magers to be hanged July 21.  Magers took his sentence with indifference.

  • Magers’ attorneys were granted 10 days to file a bill of exceptions. They will appeal the case to the supreme court.Sink has returned from Dallas, where he has been attending the trial of Magers for the murder of his son.

June 14, 1899

  • The River Gives Up Its Dead. One of the Whitney Boys Found.At Grants, on Wednesday last the ferryman picked up the body of one of the Whitney boys, drowned in the Snake river some time ago.  The body was in an advanced state of decomposition, but the clothes and papers found in the pockets prove the identity beyond doubt.  Checks and money found on the body amounted to $300.  It may perhaps be remembered that a reward was offered at the time of the accident of $50 for the recovery of one, and $100 for both the bodies of these young men.

June 21, 1899

  • Committed Suicide. On Sunday last, near Grass Valley, Dan Albright hung himself in Dave McKelvey’s barn.  The unfortunate man place a rope over one of the rafters, climbed on a manger, and launched himself into eternity.  As there seems to be no particular motive for the rash deed, Albright must have gone suddenly crazy, and while in that state, concluded to take his own life.  [Place of Burial – Grass Valley IOOF cemetery]

June 28, 1899

  • Died — At the home of J.M. Dunahoo, in this city, on Monday night, June 26, Laura, daughter of P.M. and Lucy Ruggles. This office extends sincerest sympathy to the sorrowing parents in this hour of trial.  [Place of Burial – Moro IOOF cemetery]

July 5, 1899

  • Card of Thanks. Through the columns of the Leader we desire to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the many favors and kindnesses rendered us by the people of Moro during Laura’s sickness in that city, and in so doing we do not overlook the respect shown us by the Sunday School Convention, and the sympathy manifested by our many friends of Ruthledge, Monkland and Hay Canyon.  and Mrs. P.M. Ruggles.
  • J.M. Hansen died quite suddenly at his home near Rutledge on Monday, July 3d, in his 64th year.  Mr. Hansen was an old resident of this county, coming here from California in 1886.  His wife and 4 children, in this their hour of trial and sorrow, have the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends.  [Jess M.]
  • We read in the Antelope Herald of another victim to over-indulgence in whisky, in the person of Mike Sullivan of Antelope. The unfortunate man managed to swallow a pint of liquor at one draught, after which he fell asleep in Silvertooth’s saloon, never to awaken in this world.


July 12, 1899

  • Frank Hall, one of the employees on the O.R. & N., stepped before an engine at DesChutes some days ago and was cut to pieces. The man was under the influence of liquor.

July 19, 1899

  • In Memory of B. Florer. Again has death passed the door of one of our homes in Moro, summoning hence our respected fellow citizen, J.B. Florer, in the 67th year of his age.  Mr. Florer had been ailing for some four months, during which time he bore his suffering with that fortitude only to be found in the true christian, who has chosen that better part which cannot be taken from him.  We cannot pay a greater tribute of respect to our departed neighbor than to say, with the Rev. C. D. Nickelsen, who preached the funeral sermon, that he had an excellent spirit within him.  The funeral services were held in this town on Friday, July 14, when a large concourse of sorrowing relatives, friends and neighbors, gathered in the M.E. Church to hear the beautiful services, and from thence followed the remains to the Free Mason’s cemetery, where they were laid in their last resting place.  J.B. Florer was born in Vermillion county, Indiana, from where he moved to Iowa in 1861, remaining there ten years.  His next move was to Oregon, in August, 1871, when he settled in the neighborhood of Portland, coming to Wasco in 1883, and shortly after to this city, where he has since made his home.  He leaves, besides his widow, one son, J.M. Florer, nine grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren, to mourn his loss.  The Leader joined by a host of friends, extends sincerest sympathy to the sorrowing family and relatives.
  • Appeal In Magers’ Murder Case. Exceptions to McLauchlan’s Testimony and Court Instructions.  Salem, July 14 — The appeal to the supreme court in the Magers murder case has been perfected by filing the transcript.  In the bill of exceptions it appears that the admission of the testimony of D. McLauchlan, chief of police in Portland, will again be strongly urged as an error in the trial court.  McLauchlan was called as a witness for the purpose of showing what Magers had said in answer to questions asked him while he was in jail in Portland.  Counsel for the defense claims that it should have been allowed to examine the witness as to the source of his information, and whether he was testifying from recollection exclusively, before the state proceeded with the direct examination.  The court ruled that the counsel for defendant could not examine the witness until after the direct examination.  The court having made this ruling the witness was allowed to testify, and on cross-examination it was shown that he relied to some extent upon the extended notes taken by the stenographer, and that the notes assisted him in refreshing his memory.  The defense asked the court to direct the jury not to consider Mr. McLauchlan’s testimony as evidence, upon the ground that it appeared from cross-examination that his recollection was supported in part at least by the extended notes, which were not produced in court.Another point relied upon by the defense is thus stated in the bill of exceptions:
    “After the jury had retired to consider their verdict, W.H. Holmes, one of defendant’s counsel, addressing the court, said: “I think it would be the duty of the court in a case of this kind to instruct the jury of its own motion that the fact of the defendant not testifying in his own behalf should not be taken as a circumstance against him,” and for that reason he excepted to the ommission of the court to charge the jury on that point, but no request was made to have the jury recalled for instructions on that point, or any other.”

The bill of exceptions also contains copies of the affidavits offered in support of the motion for a new trial.

July 26, 1899

August 2, 1899

  • At his home at Bigelow, on Saturday, July 29th, Frank Van Patten.  He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss.

August 9, 1899

August 16, 1899

  • On August 11, 1899, Charley, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Hulse, aged 6 months.  The services were held in the M.E. Church on Sunday last, the Rev. C.D. Nickelsen preaching a fervent and touching funeral sermon.  After the services the remains were followed to the Odd Fellows’ cemetery by many friends of the sorrowing parents, and there laid in their last resting-place to await the call of the Master.  The whole community joins with us in sympathy for the bereaved ones, and commend them to one who will not harden their lot with unnecessary affliction.
  • Oscar Nelson, of Nelson, Butte county, Cal., left with his wife and children for his home on Friday. While on a visit here to Phil and Henry Ruggles, Mr. Nelson had the misfortune to lose his little boy, Alfred.  Many friends accompanied the remains to the train on Friday, as the child will be laid to rest in California.  The Leader extends sympathy to the bereaved parents and friends.

August 23, 1899

  • Miller, who returned from Marshalltown, Ia., on Saturday, whither he went to see his sister, who was ill with typhoid fever, informs us that she passed away on Aug. 19th. The many friends of Mr. Miller join with the Leader in expressions of sympathy.
  • Again have we to chronicle the sad death of a little child, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lute Holder having passed away on August 15th. After impressive services in the M.E. Church the remains were laid to rest amidst a number of sorrowing friends, who join us in expressing their sincere sympathy for the bereaved parents.


August 30, 1899

September 6, 1899

  • On Sunday evening, September 3, William Scott, aged 13 years, son of A. Scott of Grass Valley.
  • The last will and testament of J. Eaton, deceased, was admitted to probate by Judge Fulton last week. B.S. Kelsay, the beneficiary under the will, was appointed executor without bonds.  The appraisers of the estate are J.D. Wilcox, C. W. Moore and Geo. Bourhill.
  • J. Ginn was last week appointed administrator of the estate of Richard Ginn, deceased. His notice to creditors appears in another column of this issue.  The appraisers of the estate are H.A. Moore, W.B. McCoy and S.S. Hayes.


September 13, 1899

  • Frank Finnell shot and killed Tom Moran on Monday of last week at Perry Maupin’s place on Trout creek. Moran was drunk, and fighting with Maupin, when Finnell interfered, whereupon Moran left Maupin and attacked Finnell, when the latter shot him through the body.  He died at 10 o’clock Tuesday evening.  It is reported Finnell has given himself up to the authorities at Prineville.

September 20, 1899

  • At Rutledge, on Wednesday Sept. 13, Charles, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. P.O. Ruggles.  The funeral, which was largely attended, took place in Moro on Friday last, the Rev. Bonebreak preaching the funeral sermon in the Presbyterian Church.

September 27, 1899

  • Sad Drowning Fatality In The DesChutes. The sad news reached town on Monday evening of the drowning of William Guyton, in the DesChutes, near Harris’ place.  The evidence given at the coroner’s inquest goes to show the unfortunate woman drowned her two children and herself, the youngest, a little girl of 20 months, being found tied round her neck, while the boy, aged 4 years, was found about 40 yards down the river, in about 3 feet of water.  The following jury were impaneled by Coroner Meader: A.C. Sanford, B.F. Pike, N.W. Thompson, B.F. Hoover, L.D. Idleman and John Filloon.  The verdict was to the effect that the children met their death by drowning at the hands of their mother, who ended her own life in the same manner.

October 4, 1899

October 11, 1899

  • Death of Rachel W. Healy. We learn from Geo. McKenzie of the death of his mother-in-law, Rachel W. Healy, on Friday last, at the home of her daughter in Portland.
  • Perhaps few who were acquainted with this beautiful old Quaker lady knew that she was a woman with a history. She was born in Marshfield, Mass., the home of Daniel Webster, with whom she was a contemporary.  Her father, E.P. Little, and her grandfather, Commodore Little, were also men of note, the former representing the State of Massachusetts as representative to congress three times, and the latter commanding the U.S. frigate Boston during the Revolutionary war.  The famous Episcopalian minister, Ethan Allen, was a suitor for the hand of the beautiful Miss Little of that day, but was rejected.  Later in life she was principal of the Providence Boarding School, and married Mr. Healy, editor of the Freeman’s Journal, the first anti-slavery paper published in Philadelphia.  William Lloyd Garrison, the great orator, and John G. Whittler, the poet, were contributors to the paper, and of course, fast friends of Mrs. Healy.
  • During her sojourn in Portland, this charming old lady had a host of friends who will sadly miss the trim figure, clad in old fashioned simplicity, and the smiling face under the quaint bonnet still in vogue amongst the Society of Friends.
  • R. McKenzie was a passenger on Saturday’s train for Portland to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rachel Healy
  • At the home of her parents, Vera, aged 6 months, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Wilcox of Grass Valley.
  • Low Tillard, a well-known resident of Heppner fell from a high trestle on the O.R. & N., and succumbed to his injuries on Thursday last at The Dalles.

October 18, 1899

October 25, 1899

  • Died — On Oct. 10th, at the family residence, 507 East Washington street, Portland, in the 72d year of her age, Catherine A., wife of S. Idleman, and grandmother of Dr. Lloyd D. Idleman of this city
  • The Rev. Lamar, Baptist minister at Fossil, was in our town Sunday, his sorrowful mission being to procure a coffin to receive the remains of Miss Beulah Cummings who died at Grass Valley of rapid consumption. This bright young girl, cut off on the threshold of womanhood, was a ward of Miss Duncan of Fossil, and a schoolmate of the writer’s children during their absence in that town.  She was a universal favorite with all who knew her, and leaves a host of friends to mourn her early demise.
  • Joe Andrews, an Indian, had his head cut off by the cars at The Dalles on last Thursday night. The unfortunate fellow was drunk.
  • Pete Wonderly, as he was familiarly known in this city, passed away at Falls City last week. His friends in this vicinity will regret to hear of his death.

November 1, 1899

  • Gordon Ridge Items.  Mr. Pinkerton received a telegram stating that his mother-in-law, who was out here last winter from Iowa, is dead.

November 8, 1899

  • .A fatal accident occurred near Columbus, Wash., last week. Edgar Pierce, an old resident of Goldendale, was thrown from his buggy, receiving injuries from which he died.

November 15, 1899

November 22, 1899

  • Nathaniel Kelsay, brother of Wm. Kelsay, died at Malheur, Or., on November 4th. He leaves a number of friends and relatives to mourn his demise.

November 29, 1899

December 6, 1899

  • J. Taylor, son of Zac Taylor of Antelope, died at Spokane on Wednesday last of consumption, aged 21 years.
  • V.B. Henarie, president, and second largest stockholder in the Eastern Oregon Land Company, died at his home in San Francisco on Tuesday last.
  • Charles Johnson, who, it will be remembered, worked in W.A. Wallis’ store last winter, died in Portland last week. He leaves a wife and three small children.  Friends in Moro join with us in expressing sincerest sympathy for his bereaved wife and little ones.

 December 13, 1899

December 20, 1899

  • The sad death of Nettie, youngest daughter of Mrs. Clark, occurred here on Friday night under peculiarly distressing circumstances. Clark’s two little girls came up from Portland a couple of weeks ago to visit their mother in this city.  A few days after their arrival, the youngest, a particularly bright and lovely little girl, was taken ill and died on Friday last.  Mrs. Clark is heart-broken over the melancholy occurrence, and has the sincere sympathy of her friends in town, who hope that time, the great healer, may efface some of the bitterness of her sorrow.  The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery here on Saturday.

December 27, 1899

  • Cordelia Ragsdale was born in Polk county, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1874, and died in Moro, Oregon, Dec. 22, 1899; she was married to Robert Brash on Nov. 9, 1899, at the Ragsdale home in this place, and there she and her now sorrowing husband made their home until God called the gentle spirit to Himself.  Mrs. Brash has been a sufferer for years, but through it all has shown great patience and cheerfulness.  She was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Moro.  The IOOF lodge and Rev. Hoskins conducted the funeral services, after which the body was laid to rest in the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery.Mrs. Brash leaves a husband, a mother, five brothers and one sister to mourn her loss; but they sorrow not as those without hope.

“When the dreams of life are fled,
When its wasting forms are dead,
When in cold oblivious shade
Youth and flame and power are laid,
Where immortal spirits reign,
There may we all meet again.”
William Hoskins.

  • A sheepman named Jonathan Jackson, from near Shearer’s [Sherar’s] Bridge, on the DesChutes, was found dead between The Dalles and Celilo last week. Foul play is suspected, as the unfortunate man’s watch, money and overcoat were missing.

January 3, 1900

January 10, 1900

January 17, 1900

January 24, 1900

  • Miss Gilmore, a young lady visitor at Mrs. Wilbur Bolton’s, of Antelope, was severely burned on Wednesday last. While seated at the table a lamp turned over into her lap and set fire to her clothing.  The young lady was severely burned from the waist to the ankles.
  • Later – News has arrived that Miss Gilmore died of her injuries on Friday morning.
  • Emery, a sheep-herder, in the employment of W.B. Walker, of Dot, Wash., shot himself with a rifle on Saturday last. No reason is given why he committed the rash act.

January 31, 1900

  • In Memoriam. Emeline Arrilla Stokes was taken from amongst us to a better land on Friday, January 26, in her 36th year, the cause of her sad demise being rapid consumption.  Deceased was converted in her youth, and during her short life has been a devout christian, and was fully prepared to meet her Savior.  She was laid to rest in the cemetery here on Saturday, Rev. U.S. Drake conducting the funeral services.
  • Sidney G. Hawson of Arlington committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart, in Portland, on January 22. Domestic trouble was the cause of his taking of his life.

February 7, 1900

  • A Chinese funeral, conducted in the customary manner, is not often seen in The Dalles. That of the wife of Dock Sing, the merchant, which took place this afternoon, was perhaps as near it as any ever held here, although it was not nearly so elaborate as those seen in cities.  The service which took place at the house was equal to a circus to those who could not understand their meaning.  After arranging the body in the coffin it was carried onto the sidewalk and a ceremony of a half hour’s length took place, composed of all manner of maneuvers which were “Greek” or “China” to the spectators.  Among other things a table was set with all sorts of eatables thereon, and the coffin placed nigh so that the deceased could eat.  A long procession of carriages filled with Chinese followed the remains to their burying ground adjoining the city cemetery, and on the hearse sat a Chinaman tossing aboard small pieces of paper filled with holes, through which it is said the devil must pass before reaching the departed.  There were perhaps 200 people at the cemetery, where tapers were burned, and another long ceremony took place.  Here the belongings of the dead woman, no matter how elegant or costly, were piled up and burned, and as the grave was filled in all kinds of food was thrown in, upon which she is supposed to feed on her long journey.  — Dalles Chronicle.

February 14, 1900

  • The Leader extends sincerest sympathy to the bereaved family of M. Anderson, who died here on Wednesday last of so-called smallpox. His death has cast a gloom over the town, coming as it did when the disease had all but departed from amongst us.  Mr. Anderson’s was the first and only death from the epidemic in this town. [Died on Feb. 7, 1900.]  [Thomas Monroe]

February 21, 1900

  • Ann O. Anderson has been appointed executrix of the estate of her deceased husband, T.M. Anderson.
  • C. Kinney was this week appointed by Judge Fulton as administrator of the estate of Rina Kinney, deceased.

End of Roll