Moro Observer Obituaries

Moro, Sherman County Oregon

Except for a few in far places with no connection, the following are the death notices and obituaries contained within the pages of the Moro Observer, on the microfilm roll containing the issues from July 16, 1896 to November 17, 1899, the following missing issues: September 10, 1896; January 1898 thru March 3, 1899; March 24 & 31, 1899.  The title changed from the Moro Observer to the Sherman County Observer on September 1, 1897.

July 16, 1896

  • In Memorian    Wasco, July 11, ’96. — At a regular meeting of the W.T. Sherman Relief Corps, No. 48, the undersigned, committee, appointed to draft resolution of condolence on  the  death  of  Sister  Reynolds submitted the following — Whereas, The angel of death has visited the home of our beloved sister and called her away to rest in the home not made by mortal hands but by the all wise Heavenly Father who doeth all things right, yet it leaves a vacancy in the home that cannot be filled and casts a deep sadness over the community in which she lived; therefore be it Resolved, That by the death of Sister Addie Reynolds our order has lost a worthy member and an affectionate wife and mother, and that we extend our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upons the minutes and a copy sent to The Moro Observer and Wasco News for publication.
  • Mrs. B.F. Pike,  Mrs. F.H. Smith, Mrs. M.A. Murchie, Mrs. Wm Henrichs,   Committee.  [Adeline   –   Wasco Methodist Cemetery]

July 23, 1896

July 30, 1896

  • Edward Martin, known here in connection with the E.O.L. Co., died in Ontario last week.  The remains were taken to his old home for burial in California.

August 6, 1896

  • Cifford, son of Emerson Carleton of Grant, was drowned at Columbus Thursday while swimming in the Columbia river.  The body has not been found.
  • The tragic death of Miss Kreft should be a lesson to all drivers to keep the ends of their lines tied together.  Dropping one of the lines caused her death. [Place of Burial – IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon 1881-1896]
  • Mrs. Piggott, mother of Mrs. Alford, died on the 28th.  The church loses one of its most earnest workers by her death, which will be greatly deplored by all. [Place of Burial Unknown]
  • Scott Boorman and David Wilkinson returned from a trip to Sherman county with a team yesterday, says the Glacier of the 31st, while going into camp at Chenowith creek, three miles west of The Dalles, they heard the noise of a runaway.  Looking up in the direction of The Dalles, they saw a horse and cart dashing towards them.  They stopped the horse and found a young girl that had been dragged all the way from town, and who died in Mr. Boorman’s arms soon after he had picked her up.  The girl proved to be the daughter of Mr. Paul Kreft, and was about 15 years of age.  The horse shied just before crossing the Mill creek bridge, and the wheel struck a rock and threw out two younger sisters of the unfortunate girl.  Her foot caught between one of the shafts and a brace to the shaft and she was dragged the whole distance of three miles in that position.

August 13, 1896

  • D.F. Bradford, one of the original O.S.N. Co., died in California last week.  This leaves Capt. R.R. Thompson the only one living of that group of enterprising men of Oregon’s early days.

August 20, 1896

August 27, 1896

  • The body of Kate Field will not be brought to this country, as was at first intended, but will rest permanently in Honolulu.
  • In New York on the 17th 400 funerals took place and 200 in Brooklyn.  There were 38 hearses borrowed from adjoining towns of New Jersey and 12 from Philadelphia.  Several New York undertakers whose rush was over, loaned hearses to Brooklyn friends.  Other hearses were added to Brooklyn’s supply from Long Island towns.
  • Uncle Dick Kloster, a well known old timer of The Dalles since ’62, in a fit of melancholy attempted suicide Friday morning.  He was 67 years of age and universally liked by all who knew him.
  • A friend of pioneer history in Oregon writes to us for information concerning John Fleming, the pioneer printer of the Pacific coast.  Uncle John came to Oregon in ’45, with W.G.T. Vault with whom he became interested in The Spectator.  He died in Oregon City, in 1869 and his remains were buried there.  He was postmaster for many years at Oregon City, and kept school books, letter paper, etc. for sale.

September 3, 1896

  • Death Has Visited Moro  W.H. Williams Claimed by Death Last Thursday Evening.   On Thursday, 27th ult, William Harris Williams passed peacefully to rest after an illness of about one month.  His health had been failing visibly for some time past, and about a month ago the decline became more rapid, bronchial troubles and other complications hastening the end,  which was also accelerated by the excessively warm weather of the past two weeks.  Although his last hours upon earth were accompanied by suffering and pain, he was cheerful and resigned and frequently manifested his gratitude and appreciation of the kindly offices and attention which the loving hands of members of the family and other kind friends bestowed. The death of Mr. Williams has removed a familiar figure from our midst.  Born in Monmouthshire, England, January 22nd, 1833, his restless energy and desire for a new field of labor early prompted him to leave the home of his childhood, and in 1852 he came to this country; locating in Butte county, Cal.  For over thirty years he was engaged in the business of mining, which he followed with all the industry and perseverance that have characterized his later years.  He served as supervisor of Butte county for seven years, a position of considerable importance, corresponding somewhat to that of county commissioner in this state, and he also filled the office of justice of the peace in Butte county for many years.  Having accumulated a small competency in the Golden State he determined to abandon mining pursuits and in the year of 1885 he came with his family to Sherman county Oregon, locating in Moro, where he embarked in the hotel business, which he followed to the present time.  In the year 1889 he was appointed postmaster of Moro and chiefly owing to his strict attention to business and unerring accuracy in the management of the office he was allowed to retain the position ever since.  He served as justice of the peace of Moro precinct for many years with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public.  He filled the position of school clerk of this district, No. 17, ever since 1892, his re-election each year being a foregone conclusion as the voters of the district realized that his accurate methods and strict attention to the fiscal affairs of the district eminently fitted him for the position.  Wm. H. Williams was a man of high intelligence, of scrupulous integrity and withal kindly and affectionate in disposition.  As the records of his life indicate, wherever he has lived he has been honored by his neighbors and fellow citizens with positions of trust and confidence, and no man merited them in a greater degree.  He was a sincere and consistent believer in the future life that lies beyond the grave, and by word and deed gave abundant promise that his hopes were firmly anchored in the faith that robs death of its sting and the grave of its victory.  A faithful and loving husband, a kind parent and a useful and honored citizen, his loss will be felt deeply in Moro where he had made his home for so many years.  He was a member of several secret orders, among the number being the I.O.O.F., A.O.U.W. and A.F. & A.M.  The interment took place on Saturday last at 1 o’clock p.m., a large cortege of citizens and friends following the remains to their final resting place, prominent in the procession being the members of the Odd Fellows’ lodges of Moro and Grass Valley, who attended in full regalia and conducted the burial services at the grave.  The funeral sermon was preached by the Presbyterian church by Rev. J. M. Morrison, whose impressive discourse was listened to by a large congregation.  Rev. J.W. Adams also assisted in the church services.  Appropriate music was furnished at the church by the Moro quartet, W.E. Rossman, Mrs. H.A. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Hosford, Mrs. Rossman presiding at the organ. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the deceased in their bereavements.  There are left to mourn his loss Mrs. Dora Williams, to whom he was married July 1, 1863, and three children, Chas. H., Jennie and Clyde Williams.  [Moro I.O.O.F. Cemetery]
  • Prepared for His Burial.  The Chronicle of the 25th contains notice of the final departure of Uncle Dick Closter to the bourne from whence no traveler returns.  It was apparent that the old gentleman had carefully studied over the matter and came to the conclusion that he would end his life after mature deliberation, though not a hint of his purpose was allowed to be revealed by himself in any manner.  He had the same pleasant smile and not for his friends up to the very last time he was seen.  Some three years ago Mr. Closter had made out a will and got Harry Clough and Henry Bills to witness it.  A few days ago he remarked apparently by chance to Mr. Clough that he had made no change in that document.  To Mr. Schutz he gave a letter addressed to Mrs. Vierra which contained a check for $1500, with the instruction to be sure to deliver it to the person addressed.  Mr. Closter was worth several thousand dollars in notes and money, though he owned no real estate as far as known.  His purse contained $130 in cash.  Here again is evidence that he had prepared for his funeral expenses and that his death had been premeditated for some time.  [Place of Burial – IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon]

September 10, 1896 is missing

September 17, 1896

  • James Applegate,  who died at Monrovia, was one of the earliest pioneers to come to the Pacific coast.  He came to Oregon from Missouri in 1843, together with his father and two brothers.  He was 63 years old at the time of his death.
  • Another pioneer, David Fields, died in Grant on Sunday and was buried at 2 p.m. Monday.  Mr. Fields was one of the moving spirits of progress in his day, and left only friends to  mourn his death.  He leaves an aged widow and three sons, Clark, John and Aaron, and two daughters Mrs. B.F. Hailey and Mrs. T.J. Miller.  Peace to his ashes. [Sunrise Cemetery]

September 24, 1896

  • B.F. Swift, brother of Mrs. Douglas Allen, paid Moro a visit by The Dalles stage line last week.  Mr. S. met a sad misfortune in the death of his beloved wife at Lafayette.

October 8, 1896

  • Death of Mrs. A. H. McClure.  The Dalles, Oct. 2. — Mrs. A. H. McClure died yesterday at Mosier, fifteen miles west of here, of neuralgia of the stomach.  She was 74 years old, and one of the pioneer residents of Oregon, having crossed the plains in 1852, and settled at Mosier in 1868.  She left three children, her husband having died a year ago.
  • Mrs. L.J. Foley, a pioneer of ’48, aged 70 years, mother of Josiah Marsh of Wasco, died at her home in The Dalles this week.

October 15, 1896

  • Mr. Savage of Benton county, who lost his wife and three children by a fire which destroyed his home recently near Philomath is a brother of Mrs. John Morrow of Sherman county.
  • Mrs. Minnie McAlpin an invalid from Yamhill county while on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ed. Smith at Grass Valley, was taken worse and was moved to Moro for treatment.  No human power could restore her health, however, and she gradually sank until death claimed her early on the 12th.  The funeral was very largely attended by sympathizing friends on the 13th.  Interment in Moro cemetery.  [Place of Burial – Moro Cemetery: small metal funeral home marker 1965]

October 22, 1896

  • An old man named Emmons was found dead in his cabin near Grant one day last week.  A coroner’s inquest determined that he died from natural causes.  [Place of Burial Unknown  –  Emigrant Springs cemetery, a county grave in SE corner.]
  • Old gentleman Campbell living west of the DesChutes, died on the 15th of this month.

October 29, 1896

November 5, 1896

  • Mr and Mrs. Ed Smith and family of Grass Valley, desire through The Observer to express their grateful thanks to the numerous kind hearted people of Moro and Sherman county for needed assistance and sympathy extended to Mrs. Minnie McAlpin during sickness and death, rendering the last hours of the invalid less painful and reminding her that ‘though far from home she was indeed in the midst of friends.

November 12, 1896

  • J.B. Walling, who died in Boise, Idaho, was an old Oregon pioneer.  He was 87 years old, eldest of six sons, and came from Iowa to Oregon in 1847, settling in Yamhill county.  He laid out the town of Amity, and lived in Oregon until 1865, when he moved to Boise, Idaho.  Mr. Walling built the first irrigation ditch in Idaho, and set out the first orchard.

November 19, 1896

November 26, 1896

December 3, 1896

  • Minnie DeMoss Cochrane Dead.  We were not prepared to hear the startling report Tuesday forenoon that Minnie DeMoss Cochrane, was dead!  That a sweet life; so young, so happy, so hopeful; had forever passed from earth away  —- like a beauteous flower Closing to the world at even, Closing for a dreamless hour To unfold with dawn on heaven. — Death occurred at Wheatland, California, that morning, December 1st, and the remains would be brought to Moro for interment; was the substance of the news from the grief stricken brothers, sister and husband to the aged father at home. — It seems to be doubly sad to many of us who have followed the DeMoss Quartet nearly around the globe in their travels the past dozen years, knowing their love for Sweet Oregon and the cherished hopes of a quiet home in Sherman county someday.  To the deceased no more enchanted lands lay hidden behind far horizons  —  in her estimation no more happy valley nestled anywhere, even amid visionary mountains.  To her Sherman was like “the snakeless meadows where thornless gardens bloom and all is happy contentment;” but alas, within God’s hand this wondrous problem lies —– when all faithfully life’s work is done some unseen hand will fit a crown well won. [Place of Burial Unknown]

December 10, 1896

  • Arlington, Or., Dec 7. — E.B. Comfort, aged 82, died here last night from a paralytic stroke.  He crossed the plains with an ox team and settled in the Willamette Valley in 1845.  He was also a pioneer of Gilliam county, having been in the mercantile business in this town sixteen years ago, and was one of the first six residents.  Mr. Comfort was esteemed for his strict business integrity and uprightness of character.  He was the first postmaster of Portland.
  • The funeral of Minnie DeMoss Cochran in Moro, Sunday, was the largest ever held in Sherman county.  The Presbyterian church was not large enough to hold the vast assemblage gathered to pay their last sad rites to deceased.  Rev. J.M. Morrison preached a most appropriate and fitting sermon.  A choir of many voices touchingly rendered some beautiful pieces, composed by Mrs. Cochran, in her life time.  This sad and sorrowful event caused many tears to flow.  It has been a trying ordeal for those nearest to her and most dear; but the kind offices performed and words of sympathy spoken testifies to heartfelt appreciation in others of the sorrow and affections visited upon them.

December 17, 1896

December 24, 1896

  • The infant daughter of John Clark of Kent, died on the 19th

December 31, 1896

  • In Memoriam.  Mrs. Minnie McAlpin died October 12, 1896, at Moro, after a painful illness of three weeks.  She was a cheering, energetic little woman and her absence leaves an aching void in the Family Circle and a mournful vacancy in her sphere of friends and acquaintances.  She was one who was loved by all who knew her and the old neighbors and schoolmates of Yamhill county, where she was raised, deeply feel her loss.  She was a daughter of Henry and S. E. Kernay, pioneers of Yamhill county, well respected and well known citizens of that place.  The old friends with whom Mrs. McAlpin visited in McMinnville before her visit to Eastern Oregon with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Smith, deeply feel her loss.
  • She was married near Portland in 1887 to Harry McAlpin.  She moved to Seattle, Wash., remaining there eight years forming many new acquaintances and gaining some very warm friends, who corresponded with her during her visit with her sister and letters of great sympathy from her mourning friends came to cheer and sympathize with them after hearing of her sad death.  She was one that tried to climb higher and took great interest in everything she undertook to do.  She had taken up here studies intending to go further in education and art, which was her joy and pride.  The home was always cheered by her cheerful face and the sweet songs she always sung are remembered.  Words of honor and praise for Mrs. McAlpin cannot be expressed too deeply.                      Mrs. A.J.S.
  • The infant daughter of John Clark of Kent, died on the 19th.

January 7, 1897

January 14, 1897

  • A fine monument has arrived to mark the resting place of Col. James Fulton.

January 21, 1897

January 28, 1897

February 4, 1897

February 11, 1897

  • After a lingering illness Mrs. J. L. Mussell finally sank to rest and peace in death at The Dalles on the 7th and was buried beside her babe in Moro cemetery, from the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening.  [Place of Burial – Moro cemetery]

February 18, 1897

  • Mrs. Minerva Peddicord, mother of Prof. W.J. and Mr. P.F. Peddicord of this county, died in Springfield, Illinois on the 31st, aged 80 years.
  • Mrs. H.M. Walker and family wish to express through the columns of The Observer their thanks to the people of Rutledge for kindness shown during the recent sickness and death of their husband and father.

February 25, 1897

  • Dr. Langley Hall, 83 years of age, a pioneer of Oregon, died at Oakland.
  • George McMillian, a young man very highly respected in the community, was buried in Wasco Monday.  Death occurred from lung troubles. [Place of Burial – Possibly Sunrise cemetery: TO, George Wilbur d. 21 Feb 1892 ? -could the 2 be a 7?]
  • We extend sincere sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. John Holman on the death of their babe.  The funeral was largely attended on the 20th.  [Place of Burial Unknown]

March 4, 1897

March 11, 1897

March 18, 1897

  • Jos. Elliott a kindly disposed citizen of Kent, better known as Sailor Joe, died on Sunday, age 48 years.  [Place of Burial Unknown] — Dr. Smith was called to Kent the night of the 10th to attend to Jos. Elliott who is very sick.  The night was worse than the worst last winter.  He encountered snow drifts three feet deep, and the wind was freezing cold.

March 25, 1897

  • The infant child of Niel [Neil] McDonald, born Jan. 31, ’97, died March 14th.  The funeral was preached at Spaulding chapel by Rev. Alford, from Psalms 90.12.  The remains were buried in the Wm. Rose cemetery on the 16th.  [Anna]

April 1, 1897

  • The death of  Mrs. Luella Burkes occurred at 9:30 a.m. 23d, at the home of her parents on the Des Chutes, aged 20 years 10 months 16 days.  The funeral took place at 3 p.m. 24th, from Moro Presbyterian Church.  Interment in the Odd Fellows cemetery.  Thus ends one of the saddest events recorded in the annuals of Sherman county.
  • Died.  March 24th, Anne Jane, infant daughter of Michael and Emma B. King, aged 1 month and 14 days.  In connection with this sad event Mr. and Mrs. King and relatives desire to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness during the illness of the little one.  The funeral was largely attended by friends and neighbors.  [Place of Burial – Rose cemetery]

April 8, 1897

  • Our friends Mr. and Mrs. Michael King are having more than their share seemingly, of sadness recently.  On the first their son Adam, aged 10 years, accidently shot himself while on the range with some sheep.  The ball penetrated the heart and death must have been instantaneous.  [Place of Burial – Rose cemetery]

April 14, 1897

April 21, 1897

  • Wasco. —  The funeral of Mrs. Will Bozarth took place Sunday.  [Rose E.  Place of Burial – Wasco Methodist cemetery]

April 28, 1897

May 5, 1897

May 12, 1897

  • Elder Harrison Neece, an aged and highly respected citizen of this vicinity, departed this life on the 8th, after a brief but painful illness and was laid to rest in Moro cemetery Monday afternoon.  His death leaves a vacancy in Friendship Baptist church of which he was a very devoted and consistent member.  The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Fredenburg, and over 30 carriages filled with mourning relatives and sympathizing friends and neighbors followed the remains to the grave.  [Place of Burial – Moro I.O.O.F. cemetery]

May 19, 1897

May 26, 1897

  • A terrible accident occurred on the Columbus grade Monday involving the death of Frank Carter, killing two of his horses and breaking the leg of Gus. Lester.  The men were coming from Goldendale with poles for the Sherman county telephone when the accident occurred.  Carter was a married man and leaves a family.

June 2, 1897

  • Grandma Leet died at 3 a.m., May 25th at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Mowry, in Moro, where she has been ill for so long.  The funeral took place at 2 p.m. Thursday from Friendship Baptist church.  [Laura    Place of Burial  –  Moro I.O.O.F. cemetery]

June 9, 1897

  • Wm. Tanksley was buried from the City Hotel Sunday after a brief service at the Presbyterian church.

June 16, 1897

June 23, 1897

June 30, 1897

  • The body of a cattle man named Aram, who was drowned ferrying at Lewiston, was picked up 50 miles below The Dalles last week.  The body had been in the river 8 weeks.

July 7, 1897

July 14, 1897

July 21, 1897

July 28, 1897

August 4, 1897

August 11, 1897

August 18, 1897

  • A sad accident happened at the home of C.C. Huck Saturday evening at about 10 o’clock.  Two of the little girls, aged 10 and 6, were sleeping in a tent near the house.  During the night the tent caught on fire.  The flames awoke the oldest child, but she was not strong enough to get little Lucy out and before she could call her parents the tent was a solid flame.  Mr. H. rushed in and grabbed the child, but before he was out of the tent the flames caught his breath and caused him to fall with the child.  His oldest son and wife succeeded in getting them both out of the fire but the child only lived a short time.  Mr. Huck is so badly burned that he was at once put under the care of a doctor.  It is thought he will recover within a short time.  [Place of Burial – Wasco Methodist cemetery]

August 25, 1897

  • The little child of Ed McMillian died last week from cholera infantum.  [Place of Burial Unknown]
  • Death of John A. Moore.  Friday morning August 20th 1897 Uncle John A. Moore, well known in Sherman county, was found dead in bed in his room at his residence south of Moro.  Death came like a dream to him; without an apparent struggle.  He had retired in his usual health and spirits for one of his age, 66 years, the evening before without complaining  of anything ‘though it is supposed that the excessive and unusual heat of the day superinduced heart failure.  When found by his aged and loved companion he was lying at apparent ease but alas, only the form rested there, Life having taken its departure during the night.  In consequence of hot weather the last sad rites were observed at the house, Rev. Morrison paying a merited tribute to the memory of deceased.  Mr. Moore has been a resident of the Pacific coast 47 years.  He was the last of four brothers, three of who now repose in the Moro cemetery.  Mr. M. leaves a wife and two sons, Ernest and Leon besides numerous other relatives, including Hon. W.H., H.A., L.K., and C.W. Moore, nephews, to all of who the sympathies of the community are extended.  [Place of Burial – Moro I.O.O.F. cemetery]

September 1, 1897

  • Dan Malony. The Dalles tough, shot by a man in self defense, died on the 24th.

September 8, 1897

September 15, 1897  

  • A little child of Mr. Gilkenson was buried from the Moro Presbyterian church on the 9th.  [Place of Burial Unknown]
  • James Allen came to Moro on the 9th for a coffin for the little daughter of M.C. Smith, whose death occurred that morning.  [Place of Burial Unknown]

September 22, 1897

  • Mrs. Meeker, wife of Rev. Meeker of Locust Grove, was visiting in Moro Saturday, died Sunday, and was buried Monday.  She appeared to be in her usual health Saturday but was taken sick that night.  Dr. Smith was sent for arriving at her bed side about 2 a.m.  Everything possible to be done was done to alleviate her sufferings but death claimed her at 11 a.m.  The funeral was largely attended at Locust Grove, interment at Wasco cemetery.  All friends join in expressions of sympathy for Mr. Meeker and his family.  Cause of death was neuralgia of the bowels extended to the heart.

September 29, 1897

October 6, 1897

October 13, 1897

  • Mr. Andrew Thompson‘s family were called to mourn the death of a child on the 8th.  [Rosa T.   Place of Burial –  Rose cemetery] [Card of Thanks – October 27, 1897]
  • In the death of their beloved son Orville, at 7:30 p.m., Saturday Oct. 9th, Mr. and Mrs. M. Damon have sustained a sad bereavement.  Orville was born Nov. 28th, 1890, and was particularly loving and lovable child.  The sorrowing parents desire that The Observer express their heartfelt thanks for sympathies and assistance in the hours of sorrow. [Place of Burial – probably Damon lot, Moro Cemetery]

October 20, 1897

  • C.M. Brown received the sad news of his mother’s death at Brownsville on the 8th.

October 27, 1897

  • Frank and Grant Hawley and sister, Mrs. I.N. Lemon, have returned from the valley.  Their mission was a sad one.  Following the death of Mrs. Lemon‘s child and uncle died, Geo. Belknap, aged 82 and two weeks after that father Jesse Hawley died, aged 65.  [Loyal D. Lemon  d. 22 Sept. 1897  Place of Burial – Grass Valley I.O.O.F. cemetery]
  • The funeral of Col. N.B. Sinnott took place in The Dalles Sunday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Thompson of Monkland with The Observer to express their heartfelt thanks for sympathy and assistance during their late sorrows and the loss of their babe, Rosa; recently taken from them by death.

November 3, 1897

  • A.B. Niles of the Niles-Vinson marble works at Walla Walla, is in Sherman county filling orders for monuments.  The Moro cemetery has one of the finest that has been put up in this county marking the last resting place of William H. Willams.  It is a cottage design 7 feet high, made of the renowned Sutherland Falls, Vermont, marble.  The finiale shows some very rich carving.  The cap carries a German text initial W, underneath which is the I.O.O.F. and A.O.U.W. emblems.  It is a very fitting testimonial to our worthy neighbor, who died August 27, 1896.  Another splendid monument was put up in the Wasco cemetery, marking the grave of Andrew Murchie, a pioneer resident of Sherman county who died April 4, 1895.  Mr. Niles will put up several other monuments in Sherman county, one for J.R. Belshe, a tribute to his daughter Georgia, one for the grave of Mrs. Ellen Love, one for  W.P. Walker, and others.  The Niles-Vinson are  by far the most worthy and reliable marble and granite dealers in The Waiting Empire and have all they can attend to in this line.  The Whitman Monument, recently described, is in their hands and be completed by Nov. 29, 1897, the fiftieth anniversary of that awful massacre at Wallipa. [‎Waiilatpu mission, near Walla Walla, Washington]

November 10, 1897

  • Presley King, a venerable pioneer resident of Sherman county, was buried from the family home on the King farm last Sunday.  His last illness was brief.  When he was taken down his wife was visiting in Crook county.  A messenger was dispatched for her and she arrived home a few hours before his death.  The funeral was one of the largest that has ever taken place in the county.  He was a member of the fraternity of Odd Fellows.   Members from Moro and Grass Valley attended in large numbers.  Rev. Hargreaves preached the sermon.  Interment at Odd Fellows’ Grass Valley cemetery.

November 17, 1897

  • David Potts, a brother of Mrs. W.L. Ward, of Boyd, died at her residence Nov. 10th.  Mr. P. had been suffering for a year or two from rheumatism and last July Mr. Ward went to Nevada and brought him home at Boyd for treatment, but his vitality was not strong enough for him to get well.

November 24, 1897

  • Mrs. Wm. Ralston died at Albany recently.  She was a pioneer, and a sister of Judge O.N. Denny, Mrs. B.F. Pike, and a cousin of Hon. M.C. George.

December 1, 1897

December 8, 1897

  • The death of Michael King occurred in Portland on the 2d.  The remains were brought to Sherman county for interment.  A good man gone.  Michael will be grievously missed.  We extend heartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing family.  [Place of Burial – Rose cemetery]   [Note: a number of notices between the loss of his two children and his death appear in the paper dealing with his illness]
  • It is reported that George Hamilton, formerly of Grass Valley, was one of four drowned in the lakes en route to Klondyke.

December 15, 1897

  • L. Comini, the tombstone artist of The Dalles, was in the county this week on business.  He set up monuments in Wasco cemetery to the order of Jas. McMillin in memory of his son, Dell Porter in memory of his mother and W.M. Reynolds in memory of his wife.  And in Moro cemetery to the order of H.S. McDanel in memory of Rufus Moore, and John Neece in memory of his father.
  • Deitrich Stegman, well known in Wasco and adjoining counties, died at the Umatilla house in The Dalles, Saturday.  He was 77 years old and left four children.
  • Henry A. Baker, who was killed by a fall last Friday afternoon at The Dalles, carried a life insurance policy of $5000, which by his will be bequeathed to his two daughters, Mrs. Ben Miller and Mrs. J.A. Barrett of Portland.
  • Mrs. Mary R. Walker, the oldest remaining American settler of Oregon, died peacefully of old age at the home of her son, S.T. Walker, at Forest Grove Sunday morning.  The death of Mrs. Walker leaves Rev. J.S. Griffin, of Hillsboro, the earliest of the American immigrants into Oregon.  Mrs. Walker came in 1838; Mr. Griffin in 1839.  But Mr. Griffin is the elder of the two.  His neighbors recently celebrated his 90th birthday.

December 22, 1897

December 29, 1897

Missing January 1898 thru  March 3, 1899

March 10, 1899

  • Young Clifford Minton, relative to T.J. Moffit, of Gorman, died on the 6th, from injuries received the day before by a horse falling upon him.  Young Minton was a popular rider, formerly in the employ of Frank Watkins.  Dr. Olive Hartley was called immediately after the accident, and remained with the injured man until hope for his recovery was abandoned.  [Place of Burial – Moro I.O.O.F. cemetery]
  • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guinther wish to testify their appreciation of the kindness and attention and sympathy extended to them during the sickness, deaths and burials of Mr. G’s parents.  The deep sorrow and affliction of the heart incident to such a trying ordeal was greatly lightened by the neighborly visits of generous good souls who clearly realized the situation, and to one and all heartfelt thanks are tendered by the survivors of the aged and greatly respected departed ones.  [Christian  d. 20 Feb 1899,  Carolian  d. 24 Feb 1899  Place of Burial – Moro I.O.O.F. cemetery]

March 17, 1899 

  • A coffin was sent to Rutledge from Peoples’ undertaking store on the 14th for a three year old son of Julius  Gensner who died of croup the night before.  The little fellow was taken suddenly and passed away before the aid of a physician could be secured. [Place of burial – Rose Hill Cemetery]
  • F.H. Smith‘s death was sudden and unexpected on the 8th.  He had been complaining, but nothing serious was anticipated, although on the 4th, in Wasco, half jocosely he said to Comrade Pike: “Good bye, Frank; I never shall see you again.”  Wednesday afternoon he laid down on the lounge at home to rest as was his daily custom.  Mrs. Smith was busy about the place until 4 o’clock when she found him insensible, at 6 p.m. he passed away without a struggle.  He and Mrs. Smith were expecting to go east on a visit soon.
  • Death on his pale horse visited the north end last week and summoned hence a most esteemed and worthy citizen in the person of F.H. Smith.  The funeral services were held in the Christian church in this place on the 10th.  He was an honored member of the G.A.R., which organization had charge of and faithfully attended to the last sad rites of their fallen comrade.
  • In Memory of F.H. Smith.  Franklin H. Smith died at his home near Rufus, March 8th, 1899, aged 61 years.  Comrade Smith was born in Green county, Pennsylvania, in May, 1838, and removed to Iowa with his parents while still a young man.  At the outbreak of the rebellion he enrolled with Company C, 8th Iowa Infantry, and served until the battle of Shiloh, April 6th, ’62, where he received a gunshot wound in the right arm.  Being taken a prisoner the wound was not properly attended to and resulted in the arm being almost useless from that time.  After his exchange and discharge he returned to his home in Iowa, where he united in marriage, in 1866, with Joana Vaughn, who survives him.  He came to the Pacific coast in the ’70s, and after living a short time in California, and Walla Walla, settled on a homestead near Rufus, in this county, and resided there up to the time of his death.  Comrade Smith joined W.T. Sherman Post of the G.A.R., on its organization, and has been a most zealous member of that order since that time, and held the office of Sr. Vice Commander at the time of his death.  He was laid at rest in the Masonic cemetery at Wasco, by the members of his Post, assisted by friends and neighbors.  [Place of Burial – Sunrise cemetery]

March 24, 1899 issue is Missing

March 31, 1899 issue is Missing

April 7, 1899

  • Killed By His Team.  A Farmer Named Coon Loses His Life in a Runaway.  Arlington, Ore., March 29. — News has just been brought in town from across the river from near the town of Bickleton that a sad accident had occurred near that town, which resulted in the death of a man by the name of Coon.  It seems that Mr. Coon had gone out into the field to plow and from some unknown cause, the team became frightened and ran away.  Mrs. Coon, observing the team running, started at once for the field, where she found the team piled up in a pile of rocks and unable to get up.  Not seeing her husband, she started back on the track of the runaway team, but she did not go but a short distance before she found her husband’s body, which had been literally disemboweled, besides being horribly mutilated and disfigured otherwise. After this fearful and ghastly find, she had to walk two or three miles before she could get help.  She is so completely prostrated that fears are entertained for her recovery.
  • W.G. Magers, the murderer of Ray Sink of this county, made another desperate break for liberty Saturday evening in the Polk county jail.  Such fellows deserve to be executed without trial.

April 14, 1899

May 26, 1899

June 2, 1899

June 9, 1899

  • John VanDerLinden, aged twenty six years and six months, died Friday morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. I.F. Hill.  His death was caused by consumption.  The funeral sermon was preached at the home by Rev. Bast.  Miss Dena Van Der Linden was summoned from Moro Friday morning.
  • Twice Condemned Murder.  Magers, the twice condemned murderer of Ray Sink, seems quiet and somewhat penitent.  Since the last trial he has not expressed himself on religious subjects but before then he said he did not believe the Bible.  He heard the verdict of the last jury calmly, and showed no signs of breaking down, were such thing possible from such wretch as he.  A third trial has been refused him.

June 16, 1899

June 23, 1899

  • A laboring man committed suicide by hanging himself, nine miles south of Grass Valley on the 17th.  An inquest was held by Justice Munger.  He used a 5-foot cord to make his exit with, in the stable at McKalvey’s [McKelvey] where he worked.  He was known as Dan Albright.  [Place of Burial Grass Valley I.O.O.F. cemetery]
  • Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hulse sorrowfully parted with their baby boy Roy Paul, aged three months, who was buried on the 17th, after death from brain fever.  The stricken parents feel very grateful to the many kind neighbors who did so much for them in the time of their distress.  [Place of Burial Unknown]
  • Mrs. Phoebe J. Haight, relic of Charles E., died in The Dalles on the 19th. [Place of Burial – IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon]

June 30, 1899

  • Laura, daughter of Phil and Lucy Ruggles, aged 8 years, died on the 26th at the residence of J.M. Dunahoo.  We extend our sympathies to the stricken family.
  • Mrs. Phoebe Jane Haight, wife of the late Charles E. Haight, died in The Dalles Monday, aged 42 years.  She had lived in The Dalles 17 years.

July 7, 1899

  • J.M. Hansen died suddenly on the 3d.  He was at home with his wife doing some light work when a faint took him.  He told his wife he was dying, then passed into unconsciousness, again rallying, and expired within an hour.  The shock is a very sad and severe blow to the family, with whom we deeply sympathise.

July 14, 1899

July 21, 1899

  • J.B. Florer, who has been confined to his home by sickness for many months, died on the 13th.  The funeral of the good old man was largely attended on the 14th, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, from the M.E. church.  Business was suspended in the city during the hours of the funeral.
  • Mrs. J. M. Hansen and family wish us to say that they all feel hearts full of gratitude to the many friends who did so much to lighten the burdens of sorrow on the recent sudden death of Mr. Hansen.  The prayer is that all may be spared from afflictions which only those who have experience can realize.

July 28, 1899

August 4, 1899

August 11, 1899

  • Alfred, the little son of Mrs. O.W. Nelson died on the 9th at Rutledge of cholera infantum.  The remains will be taken to California for burial.

August 18, 1899

  • The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hulse was buried from the Moro M.E. church Sunday.  We extend sympathy to the sorrowing parents.  [Charles G.   – Place of Burial – Moro I.O.O.F. cemetery]
  • One of the little twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Holder died on the 15th, the surviving one is very weak, requiring anxious attention.  [Lula   – Place of Burial – Moro I.O.O.F. cemetery]

August 25, 1899

  • Kent Komments.  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merchant buried their little 2-year old daughter last week.  It was a sad burial in which the community mingle heart-felt regrets with the tears of the bereaved parents.  [Place of Burial Unknown]
  • Mr and Mrs O.W. Nelson have written to us from Butte county, Cal. to tender their heartfelt thanks to the people of Moro, Rutledge and vicinity, for their sympathy and many kindnesses during the sickness and death of their baby.

September 1, 1899

September 8, 1899

  • Willie, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott, at Grass Valley, was buried on the 4th.  He had been a patient suffer for years.  The funeral was the largest ever held in Sherman county, evidencing the sympathy extended to the bereaved family.  [William James   – Place of Burial – Grass Valley I.O.O.F. cemetery]
  • Died:  George, two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Witchie, early Sunday morning Sept. 3d.  Funeral services were conducted at JohnDay school house Monday by Rev. W.H. Bast and burial took place at Emigrant Springs cemetery.  The community extends sympathy to the bereaved parents.

September 15, 1899

September 22, 1899

  • J. Harvey Smith received news a few days since of the death of his father, aged 78 years, in New Brunswick.
  • Charles, son of P.M. and Lucy Ruggles, aged 3 years, was buried in Moro on the 15th.  A large attendance at the Presbyterian church listened to an appropriate sermon by Rev. Bonebrake.  Mr. and Mrs. R. have the sympathy of all who know them in their afflictions.  [Place of Burial – Moro I.O.O.F. cemetery]

September 29, 1899

  • Horrifying Incident at Harris.’  A Demented Mother Drowned Herself and Two Little Children. W.L. Vanderpool, of Sherman county Lumbering Co., brought the news into Moro Monday, of a tragic event that occurred about noon, at the Harris Resort, which caused the death of a woman and her two little children, camped there, by drowning in the DesChutes.  Justice Meader, acting coroner, immediately summoned a jury, on the information, and proceeded to the scene of the horrifying incident and at once instituted a legal inquiry with the following result: We, the coroners jury empaneled by Geo. Meader, a justice of the peace for the precinct of Moro, and acting coroner for Sherman county Oregon to inquire and ascertain the cause of the death of  Alice Guyton, Ralph O. Guyton and Fannie G. Guyton, their bodies being found floating in the DesChutes river near the residence of J.E. Harris, in Sherman county, Oregon.  After hearing all the evidence that could be obtained in the above case find that they came to their death on the 25th day of September, 1899, by drowning in the said DesChutes river, and we further find that Ralph O. Guyton and Fannie G. Guyton came to their death by the hand of Mrs. Alice Guyton their mother, and that Mrs. Alice Guyton came to her death by her own acts and that no other person or persons are in anyway responsible for her acts.  We further find that Mrs. Alice Guyton is 26 years and 8 months old, and that Ralph O. Guyton is 4 years and a little over 1month old, and that Fannie G. Guyton is 20 months old.  And that Mrs. Alice Guyton is the mother of Ralph O., and Fannie G. Guyton, the wife of William F. Guyton, residents of Sherman county, Oregon.
  • Dated this the 26th day of September 1899.  A.C. Sanford, B.F. Pike, J.M. Filloon, B.F. Hoover, Lloyd D. Idleman, N.W. Thompson.

October 6, 1899

  • W. F. Guyton desires us to express this thankfulness for the many favors bestowed upon him by willing hands, and for the great sympathy shown him in his recent trouble.

October 13, 1899

  • One year ago today, Mrs. Geer, wife of Gov. Geer, died in Omaha.
  • Vera Alvendo, infant daughter of H.W. and L. Wilcox, was buried in Grass Valley on the 8th, Rev. Hilton officiating.  It was a large funeral and very affecting, attesting the sympathy of the community toward the stricken parents.
  • J.M. Florer yesterday purchased from F.H. Watts a fine monument to mark the final resting place of his father, the late J.B. Florer, in Moro cemetery.

October 20, 1899

October 27, 1899

  • Miss  Cumins of Fossil, a pupil at the Grass Valley Academy, died on the 22d.

November 3, 1899

  • November 10, 1899
  • Bigelow Pencillings.  Martin Gurth writes from Bandon of the death of his daughter Fannie E.  Her illness extended over all her life, and death was a blessed relief for her.  Martin’s friends here extend their sympathy.

November 17, 1899

  • G.F. Guinther has purchased a beautiful monument to put over the graves of his parents in Moro cemetery.
  • Oregonian 14th:  Magers, the slayer of Ray Sink, committed one of the worst crimes in the state’s history — enticed a friend to take a ride, killed him for money, and threw the body into the river with weights attached.  The supreme court’s action yesterday leaves Magers two chances of escape from the gallows — jailbreaking and executive clemency — neither of which is promising.  He seems doomed to expiate his crime not far from the place of his birth or the scene of the murder.

End of Roll.